Shastram avagatyam mano-vak-deheih Krushnah sevyah
It is very important to understand the purpose of understanding the scriptures - ancient and modern. One can understand them for several reasons - to satisfy one's personal, social, business or academic or even military needs. However the most important purpose that Shree Vallabhacharya instructs us is to serve Krushna - the Supreme Lord of the Universe. Universe is a term used to translate the Sanskrit word Srushti (sruj + ti : that which is created). By whom ? the Creator - the Supreme Lord Shree Krushna. Shree Vallabhacharya accertains this by saying "Param Brahmam tu Krushno hi" and "Sarvam khalu idam Brahmam".
All living and non-living entities are emanated from him as part-and-parcels of him by his own sweet will. Thus it is our most important existential purpose to remind ourselves of this relationship by serving him humbly and pleasingly. But to serve someone pleasingly, one needs to know about His likings and dislikings and it is this precise reason, why we need to understand the scriptures in a harmonious and wholistic way.
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